Dear Camp Meeting Family, The dates for the 2023 Northern New England Camp Meeting is as follows: August 8-12, 2023. We are awaiting word from our other speakers, but we do have one that we can announce: Phodidas Ndamyumugabe. From Audioverse: Phodidas...
CEC News
Setting Up The Foundation Forms
Kerry cutting a styrofoam block to size with Ken assisting. Wayne laying a second course styrofoam block. Andre and Dean assessing the fit of a trimmed block. Isaiah helping prepare the footing for the laying of the styrofoam blocks - Kerry tutoring in the background....
The Pour
After all the excavation and pre-site work was completed, on Monday July 1, the construction officially began with the pouring of the "footings" for the foundation of the "Multipurpose Building."
Over 100 GPM Drilled Well!!!
Yes that is right! On Thursday, October 4 the first well on the new Christian Education Center property was drilled to a depth of 180 feet. At 175 feet they hit a large vein of water, so large that it exceeded over 100 gallons per minute! In fact there was so much...
CEC Meeting August 2
On Sunday August 2 the board members and other interested supporters had a great cook out at the home of Scott and Patty Smith in Fort Fairfield. After wards a meeting was held all afternoon to discuss the progress and the plans for preparing the property for...